Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!

Ahh 2007… It was a fun year… I got a great new job and moved back to Connecticut. While I am still getting used to living in the suburbs here in CT, Looking back at 2007 it was a year that I came out to many more people and became more comfortable with who I am. I owe a lot of that to my buddy Tony. He's been a big catalyst in becoming more comfortable going to gay bars.

I met so many new people. Cooper, Brechi along with Billy became fast friends in 2007. There were other bloggers that I met along the way and others that I have become “friends” with online.

There were the regular assholes that I met along the way. The ones you meet out at a bar and don't call back. There were those who did call and became good friends.

I don’t do resolutions. I like to think that I will be healthier and achieve a bunch of goals that I have set for myself over the next month and year.

Happy New Year everyone! I hope its better than 2007!