Tuesday, July 7, 2009

What's in my future...

I have been debating on writing about this. It happened while I was in Vegas. I had been playing blackjack and was down some money and buzzed off of the Jack Daniels I was drinking. I was walking up to my hotel room when I passed this little alcove.

It was a psychic. I have always wanted to get my fortune read. The only time I have ever done it was on the streets of New York while my then girlfriend was with me. The psychic said she saw me and my girlfriend getting married but I needed to go to her private office to have my energy cleansed from the devil. Needless to say I have not seen one since that time.

I was intrigued. Also tipsey. I decided to go in and say hi.

I paid my fee and off we went.

First she talked about work. She said that I am very focused on work and that she sees me on the phone at work but that I do not work in sales. Correct.

I nodded my head yes. She asked me not to tell her anything about myself except my birthday and to only give her YES or NO questions.

What was interesting is what she said next. She said she sees me signing papers in December and that I will be changing focus in December. I would be staying within the same company but in a different area.

If I were to get this fellowship, where the final interviews are in December, I would be staying with the same Company but living in LA. Interesting. She said that I am a creative guy and that what I am doing right now is not what I want to do. Ok, genaric.

She did say that she see's a life change in December/January which is when I would be moving if I got this fellowship.

She moved on to my love life. She said that I was single and have been for a while. She interrupted the love section and said, "I feel that you hate your midsection and have been doing a lot of running lately. I see you wearing an iPod. It somehow tracks your running." My mouth dropped. She told me to keep the running up and it will help me reach my goal. It's great meditation for me, which she mentioned.

She then talked about my love life. Yes I am single. She started looking strangely at the tarrot cards. She said, "I see you meeting someone with dark hair in August." She paused, then looked at me.

"You're gay. right?"

Now, I don't exactly come off feminine. That she got that right blew me away. She said that because she was picking up a very masculine energy with dark hair.

Apparently I will meet a guy in August, who I do not know right now, who I will date for 2 years. We will break up and I will then date someone I already know who has blondish hair for 10 years.

After this was over I wrote a bunch of it down in my written journal. I had been debating on writing it here but decided that I wanted to just in case any of this comes true. Starting August 1 I want to go see another psychic and see what they have to say.


  1. The problem with predictions is that you really don't know when they'll come true. A prophecy made for August might actually come in September. It's not an exact "science", so to speak.

  2. You are a pretty masculine, beer swillin kinda guy!

  3. That's pretty cool. Keep us posted about upcoming events to see if she was right.

  4. WHOA! That's freaky...but GOOD LUCK and I wish you well my friend. Keep us posted!

    BTW, Thanks for being such an inspirational professional...I'm a college kid and reading this blog has shown me how to focus closely on my dreams while still pursuing happiness and fun...Thanks!

  5. It's obvious she just reads your blog. What other explanation could there be?!

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