Sunday, February 4, 2007

Thank You!

I want to thank everyone who remembered my birthday and sent me e-mails, IM's, Facebook posts and of course drunk phone calls. What an interesting weekend I had. I wrote some stuff on the train and will post it later.

Thanks to Kelly for the birthday card he made and sent to me! I love the guys and the Giants logos!

Thanks Tony for drunk phone calls and texts

I'm watching the Super Bowl right now and have been frustrated since I got home... anyway, hope everyone is doing great! Look for the post later tonight!


  1. yeay, happy b-day. You finally wrote something new. haha. Colt is winning now seems like they got everything together.

    Hope you had a great weeekend out of town!

  2. I'm new to your blog and so far I've enjoyed it. Your a good writer and you balance your real life normal stories with the cool sexual moments and stories we're all dealing with or have dealt with. Happy birthday and keep up the good work, even if it is a hobby.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hey JP - Just wanted to say hello and tell you the blog is great.

    PS- and happy birthday man.

  5. happy birthday you slut. I called you a little after midnight and you were hammered. you don't remember eh?

    give my best to the fam.
